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Top Ten Lessons (Fall Term Edition)

1. Talk to as many classmates as you can, as early as you can.
2. Don’t be late to Professor Rein’s practicum session (it wasn’t me).
3. MSC lunches are delicious.
4. Professor Roloff will help you identify the Machiavellian personalities in your workplace.
5. The United States needs updated legislation for consumer privacy (I’m the only one who learned this, but I wrote 20 pages on it…so I might as well give it some air time).
6. Establish a schedule for MSC homework (Monday and Wednesday nights for me).
7. Have a few classmates edit your paper before you turn it in.
8. Learn for learning’s sake. Don’t worry about what it “gets” you right now.
9. Classes/professors are engaging.
10. Before you know it, the term is over.