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Picking an Elective

Six weeks completed, three weeks to go. We had no idea what to expect, but for me, it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Starting my Master’s program, I did not know what was all entailed but after the first six weeks of class; it is totally manageable. I

Interim Director of Master of Science in Communication program

On behalf of Ellen Wartella: Dear MSC Community, The Department of Communication Studies is pleased to announce the appointment of Amy J. Hauenstein, MA, as the Interim Director of the Master of Science in Communication program. Hauenstein will assume this position effective immediately. Hauenstein earned a MA in Education from Ursuline College and will complete

Alumni News: Craig Pugh, MSC ’90, named Agency President of Public Communications Inc.

Public Communications Inc. Names Craig Pugh Agency President Appointment adds marketing, management capacity to support agency’s continued growth nationally CHICAGO – April 22, 2015 – Public Communications Inc. (PCI) announced today that Craig Pugh of Tampa, Fla., will join the national integrated communications firm on June 1 as president. He also joins the ownership team

Understanding and Leveraging Networks

For the Spring Term, our morning class is “Understanding and Leveraging Networks”, taught by Noshir Contractor (known as Nosh). Before the term began, I wasn’t thrilled about this class. Networking events are boring to me and I dislike individuals who try to connect for their own personal benefit. Thankfully, the assumption I made about the

The Aftermath

Prospective MSC students often ask about workload in the program. “How do you deal with it?” “Do you have time to do anything?” The answer is: you just deal, even if you can’t really articulate how it all gets done. I like this shot of the aftermath of an evening group work session in the

Globalization–Inside and Outside the Classroom

In the MSC program, we often confirm for prospective students that classroom learnings are immediately applicable to life outside of school. I experienced a good example of this school-life connection earlier this week when I attended the announcement event for the Roberta Buffet Institute for Global Studies—a new center founded by a historic gift to the university

I Don’t Want to Go

1/9/15 7:45pm It’s the eve of Q2. In a way, school already started; I began reading for both courses about one week ago. But tomorrow is the big day when I go back to class after which there are “no tuition refunds,” and I can’t shake the feeling: a part of me doesn’t want to go.