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Enhance Your MSC Student Experience

Step outside your classroom and into a world of opportunity.

MSC Student Experience

There’s Always More to Learn

When you attend Northwestern’s MSC program, you are joining an incredible community of learners and experts.

Maximize your gains by engaging in MSC student experience programming to expand your network and gather new insights.

Listen to Guest Speakers

The MSC program hosts several Guest Speaker series, connecting students with industry leaders and experts active in the field.

Learn Skills in Workshops

Further develop your classroom learning by gaining new technical or leadership capabilities in one of our workshop series.

Get Academic Advice

Engage in self-reflection, connect with academic advisors, get help building your skills, or use one of our tutorial series to get the most from your MSC.


Connect with Your Cohort at MSC Signature Events

Join us for our annual holiday party, spring happy hour, and summer BBQ. 

You’ll have a chance to commemorate milestones along the way to graduation with faculty, staff and alumni.

Student Experience Co-Curriculars

Find New Ways to Learn During Your MSC Student Experience

The classroom is only one piece of a robust MSC student experience. Attend a guest lecture, update your graphic design skills, or learn more about managing diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives — in addition to new series added along the way.

An Evening With … Guest Speaker Series

Join us for an interactive evening program offered on the Evanston or Chicago campuses to enrich the learning from the classroom with invaluable real-world insight into critical communication management issues. Work with experts on topics such as: storytelling, negotiations, personal branding, communication campaigns and more.

Food for Thought Guest Speaker Series

Come during lunch to the Allen Center and hear guest speakers present their views on major national and global trends in communication management. These talks delve deeply into emerging issues which affect organizations and society.

Creative Branding & Design

Up your graphic design game and learn the basics of branding yourself or your business for a successful future. This series is a fun, hands-on introduction to professional design software and the basics of typography, color, and graphic design for print and web.

CIQ & Managing Inclusion Workshops

Gain insight into research on the necessity of self-exploration and reflection in advancing your CIQ, the impact of equity and inclusion on the bottom line and organizational culture, and what unconscious bias means and how it widens inequality gaps.

On Building A Personal Brand

“Business aside, how we conduct ourselves in every arena is going to be impacted by how we communicate. No matter what your profession is, the information you learn here is universal.”

Cassandra Libel ’19

Director of Emergency Management
Milwaukee County

Academic Support

Enrich Your Experience with Academic Resources and Support Services

Take advantage of the many enrichment activities offered by the MSC program and further advance your career and academic goals.

Academic Advising

Draw connections between MSC courses and your goals for personal and academic growth — and connect with our advisors who’ll help you devise the best routes and electives to pursue while in the program.

Professional Development Practicum

Professional Development Practicum provides the opportunity for students to gain familiarity and expertise with a wide range of communication topics, practices, technologies, and trends that inform the practice of communication.

Enrichment Tutorial

Engage in one of our enrichment tutorial series to get additional support and resources. These programs are available for students to access throughout the year.

On Obtaining Support Toward Personal Career Goals

“My classmates are people I rely on to fill things like open positions and board of director roles. If I need contacts in any industry, I have a network I can turn to. And I cherish the personal relationships I developed—dear friends from across the country who still get together regularly.”

Rebecca Selby ’18

VP of Marketing
Arctic Wolf

Northwestern’s Master of Science in Communication Admissions Information

Explore program requirements and application details before applying.

MSC Degree Requirements

Find out what you need to submit an application to the MSC program.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Learn more about the MSC program tuition and financial aid

How to Apply to the Program

Begin your online application, save your progress, and return to complete at any time.

Make Your MSC Student Experience Something More

Go beyond the classroom and enrich your experience among a community of learners.