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Category: Uncategorized

Cuba – A trip of a lifetime

Current MSC Student Joe Martin enjoyed a trip to Cuba over the holiday break – his reflections are below.  Enjoy!_______ Cuba, A trip of a lifetime, yes! Being able to visit a country where the United States had limited access was life changing. President Obama had opened up the doors to a new relationship with

NU President Morton Shapiro Responds to Executive Order on Immigration – updated

Dear Members of the Northwestern Community: The executive order restricting travel to the United States by residents of seven countries issued late last week by President Trump raises serious concerns for Northwestern University and the entire academic community. The order already is being challenged in court, so it is not clear what the immediate impact

Learning Lessons: 1st Quarter Reflections

Enjoying my school break, on December 14, I went to the annual food drive and holiday concert at Guitar Works.  This socially responsible store (homage to my strategic communication class and Professor Iden) puts together an hour-long performance featuring the talented owner, Terry Straker, and store employees, in conjunction with the guests who donate food

A holiday blog

It’s been an action-packed three months, to say the least. I’ve started and completed a quarter of my MSC degree at Northwestern. In that same period of time, my company has moved offices (just two floors, but it’s a thing!). My yoga practice has suffered. Winter wasn’t coming and then it arrived without ringing the

The Art of Untangling a Crisis

I was late to the party that is Scandal. Over the summer, I watched five episodes of Olivia Pope expertly turn crisis situations around before I gave up. All said and done, it pepped me up to learn about the world of crisis communication in my elective, Foundations of Strategic Communication Management. There is a

MSC Elective: Foundations of Strategic Communication Management

“Strategic communication.” Eight weeks ago, my mental picture of this concept was some amusing hybrid of Will Ferrell’s George W. Bush impersonation (“strate…gery”) and that Seinfeld episode where George Costanza is forced by his boss to back up his mastery of “risk management” (and so turns to a book on tape for help). I’ve learned

Northwestern MSC Spotlight: A Conversation with Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson is the Associate Director of External Programs, Internships and Career Services (EPICS) for the MSC program.  In this role Michael provides career coaching for students and alumni of the MSC program.  He also provides specific programming for students throughout the year including webinars and lunch presentations on a number of different career related

Practicum Week

Practicum week. When you hear this you think about 5 long days filled with PowerPoint slides and lectures. While this is true, it is way more than that. We are required to attend four of five practicum sessions, which originally seemed like a lot but in reality, it was worth the trip. I started on

Using lessons learned in Marketing to be more effective

As we begin the holiday season, I’ve been thinking a lot about thanking. Not just thankfulness – I am thankful that I’m in this program, that I have a job, and that my family is in good health. I have spent lots of time the past two months thinking about how I can more effectively

The first eight weeks

I started writing this post eight weeks ago, during the first week of school. It’s hard for me to believe that was eight weeks ago. EIGHT whole weeks – a lifetime when you are on the quarter schedule. If you’ve never been on quarters, they hit you hard and fast and before you know it