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All of a sudden, there are only three weeks left in the quarter and less than six months left in the program. Whoa. Where did the time go? The past five months have felt like such a blur — though a good blur. Making the decision to apply for grad school has turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. There’s really no price tag that you can put on a great education, especially with everything that I’ve learned so far in the MSC Program.

I was accepted into the program around this time a year ago. I still can’t believe how quickly the time has gone by and that program is almost over. There never feels as though there’s a enough time in the quarter to finish projects and the stress level has definitely risen as the days progress. But the challenge is refreshing, because despite the stress, it makes me feel as though I’m learning, growing and becoming more of the professional I aspire to be.

The Marketing Topics/Strategy course in particular, has been an incredible experience for me this quarter. Professor Kolsky definitely challenges us to think in a different perspective and I’ve noticed myself expand my range of thinking when it comes to marketing strategy. I’ve spent the past five years or so, working primarily in marketing communications, so the strategy aspect of the course has definitely given me a new profound perspective on marketing and really pushed my mindset to places I hadn’t even considered before.

There’s an unending wealth of knowledge to be absorbed here at MSC and I hope to soak in every last bit of it as we make our landmark to the halfway point of the program.

In less than 6 months until we’ll all be “masters” in communication, MSC ’14. We’ve got this!