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Earn Your MS in Communication From Northwestern

Take the next step in your career. Earn your Masters to open new doors.

Curriculum Overview

Join Dr. Amy Hauenstein as she discusses the MSC curriculum.

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Earn Your MS in Communication From Northwestern

Take the next step in your career. Earn your Masters to open new doors.

Career Services

Listen as Associate Director Pat Messina discusses the MSC Career Services offerings.

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Discussion of curriculum, faculty, co-curricular activities, career services, alumni, and admissions processes. Check Out These Other Great Webinars See Upcoming

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Earn Your MS in Communication From Northwestern

Take the next step in your career. Earn your Masters to open new doors.

Using Real-World Lessons to Help Students Prepare for the Future

Art teacher. Organic caterer. Crate & Barrel recruiter. Staffing firm owner.

Pat Messina’s decades of diverse experiences have not only prepared her to serve as the School of Communication’s associate director of career services, but also to offer students a unique perspective as they embark on professional journeys of their own.

Networking has always played a big role in Messina’s success, and she shares that tidbit with students whenever she can. “I’ve never been afraid to look at opportunities that come my way—even if they’re not something I had considered before,” she says. “I encourage students to do the same.”

In fact, that’s one of the things she enjoys most about her role: helping students think through prospects they may not have considered. It can be challenging for recent graduates to figure out where they see themselves after earning an MS in Communication. “I like to help students network and figure out exactly what they want to do. Sometimes we have to start from Ground Zero and do assessments to determine what they love—and then we take it from there. But we get it figured out.”

She says now’s a great time to be in school. Although certain job markets may be slow, this downtime provides a unique opportunity to learn new skills that will pay off later. “Whether it’s through earning a degree or using LinkedIn Learning online, you can find ways to stay engaged,” she explains.

Within the EPICS (External Programs, Internships, and Career Services) office, she helps students perfect their résumés, walks them through mock interviews, and offers job-search tips. But she also provides much more when it comes to preparing for the future: She helps them align their personal beliefs and ethics with potential industries and employers.

“When I ask students, ‘Who do you want to work for?’, everybody seems to name the same big companies. But there are lots of small companies that offer those same opportunities—maybe more. Looking at what motivates you in your heart and following that path is important for your career—not just the name of the company you work for.”

Given the unpredictable employment situation amid the global pandemic, Messina’s motto is this: Be adaptable and have a plan B. To help students find their way despite this current confusion, she put together a list of industries she thinks will do well and continue to hire despite the financial impacts of COVID-19—even if those industries don’t line up with students’ original intentions.

“Plan B can be just as fun and exciting as Plan A,” she says, “and I’m living proof. I thought I was going to be a teacher until I discovered I had a nose for business. Then I wanted to build a company I could hand to my kids one day. That didn’t materialize, either. What I’m doing now has brought everything full circle. And it’s something I never pictured doing.”

As Messina coaches students through the degree program, she also helps them overcome common obstacles and misconceptions. At the top of that list: Expecting to climb the corporate ladder too quickly. Instead of focusing on power and job titles, she encourages them to be focused on learning about a business, what it stands for, and the internal opportunities it offers.

To inspire students, she often shares real-world lessons and stories of her own—or those she borrows from trusted friends and colleagues. Hearing about people who worked their way up to CEO over time—or found a job as a server and went on to own restaurants—can give students the encouragement they need that it’s okay not to start at the very top.

“In the midst of what’s happening, I think people are going to look long and hard at what they want to do or where they want to work—or may pivot a little to work for an organization or industry that has more meaning for them.”

To hear more from Pat Messina please join us for a webinar next week where we will talk with Pat in more detail about her approach to career services for students in the MSC program. The webinar will be at 12 PM CST on Wednesday, October 28th. REGISTER HERE

Application Tips from the MSC Admissions Team

Join the MSC admissions team as we unpack the MSC application materials and process.

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Discussion of curriculum, faculty, co-curricular activities, career services, alumni, and admissions processes. Check Out These Other Great Webinars See Upcoming

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Earn Your MS in Communication From Northwestern

Take the next step in your career. Earn your Masters to open new doors.

Applying Effective Communication Skills in the World of Biotech

When you think of the skills needed for a career in biotech, communication may not rise to the top of the list. But, for Adam Zetter ’19, it’s exactly what he needed.

His path began with a degree in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1996. His first full-time job was at a small startup conducting research as a formulation engineer: evaluating, formulating, and developing products to fill the company’s drug-development pipeline.

When his employer was acquired by a larger company, there was an opening for a junior project management position. He got to know some of the people on the team and decided to try it. “The unique thing about being a project manager in drug development is that you’re right in the middle of everything,” says Zetter. “Manufacturing, regulatory, research, development, marketing—all of it.”

After a year and a half, he was lured by the thought of working for a bigger biotech company and went to serve as a product development project manager for a genomics organization in a software development role—which turned out not to be a great fit. “At the time, I wasn’t a seasoned project manager with enough knowledge of software development to make that position work and handle the pace,” he explains. “The science and genetics, yes. Software development, no.”

So he returned to smaller startups and spent the next seven years honing his project management skills in a drug development environment, where he also gained experience in roles focused on training, learning, and development. In 2007, when his employer was preparing to close its doors, he got a call from one of the biggest players in biotech: Genentech.

To work for Genentech, he went back to a drug development project manager role before transitioning to a business analyst position and serving as a liaison between IT and the business. Five years in, he shifted gears once again to become a business manager, where he learned about business from a different perspective as he worked with senior executives on strategy and tactics to help shape and advance their organizations while overseeing strategic, cross-functional initiatives—a role he still holds today.

“The great thing about this job is that there’s not any one way to do it,” he explains. “We’re counted on to leverage our experience in a multitude of situations to be thought partners on strategy and drive execution.”

Spending nearly 24 years in biotech, Zetter knew he had his technical skills down. After some personal reflection, however, he asked himself some tough questions: Where are my gaps? What’s holding me back from getting to a higher level? That’s when he realized it all came down to communication.

“It took me over 20 years to figure that out,” says Zetter. “Once it crystallized in my mind, I started researching and looking at different programs to see what they offered.”

When he discovered the MS in Communication (MSC) program, its three learning themes—managing complexity, collaborative leadership, and communication—spoke to him. “At the end of the day, I only applied to the MSC program,” he says. “It’s the only one I wanted.”

Because he was based in California, Zetter appreciated the Hybrid Leadership Program option, which gave him the opportunity to learn online while still being physically present on occasion. With a young family at home, he recognized it would be a hard year—but the one-year commitment vs. two or three years made it more realistic.

“Even though we were predominantly online, the professors were incredibly engaged, and we were an extremely tight cohort,” he says. “We still message each other almost every day. These aren’t just classmates. We formed lifelong bonds, and I learned so much that I use every day.”

He credits the Understanding and Leveraging Networks course for sparking new ideas in learning and development as he builds and trains successful teams. “Helping people learn and imparting information is going to be the hallmark of the second half of my career.”

Information Design was another highlight for Zetter—if for no other reason than it inspired him to revamp his résumé, which has generated so many compliments that he says it’s now worth its weight in gold.

“I have real confidence in my communication skills and ability, knowing I can apply them in nontypical ways,” he says. “The MS in Communication program gives you skills you can apply in any business situation. Even if I go outside the biotech industry someday, I have these skills to leverage. Everything I’ve learned is going to add value.”

A Former Police Captain Making a Difference through Communication

From a young age, Cassandra Libal ’19 knew she wanted to create change in her community. Growing up in inner-city Milwaukee, she was raised by a single mother who wasn’t able to provide financial support for higher education.

To pursue her dream, she applied for a paid apprenticeship right out of high school: Milwaukee’s Police Aide program. Earning an income while she developed useful skills for a career in law enforcement, she performed clerical and support work for two years. When she turned 21, she joined the Police Academy to complete training.

Since becoming an officer in 1997, Libal has worked in nearly every aspect of law enforcement, from general patrol to narcotics. Rising through the ranks to captain and serving as the commander of community outreach and education, she helped bridge the gap between the Milwaukee community and police officers. “I loved overseeing our community outreach efforts, which circles back to the reason I wanted a career in law enforcement: to pay it forward and make a difference,” she explains.

Because she hadn’t followed a traditional education path—and because of a fluctuating work schedule based on overtime, court hearings, and shift changes—higher education for Libal began at a technical college with an associate degree and two certificate programs. Later, she also enrolled in a few training courses with Northwestern’s Center for Public Safety.

When she felt the time was right for her bachelor’s, she found an online program that let her apply work experiences and existing credits toward a degree. “I spent my career in law enforcement balancing between working full time and going to school,” she explains. “I’m a constant learner and always looking for growth opportunities. I really liked the format and curriculum that Northwestern used when I went through their public safety training. When I decided to pursue my graduate degree, they were high on my list of options.”

Recognizing that communication had been a challenge for her in the past, Libal hoped that learning more about it would help bridge that gap. She also realized she was fast approaching 25 years with the Milwaukee Police Department, anticipating retirement in the near future—and she wanted to be ready for the next step in her career.

As she started researching ways to broaden her horizons, she discovered the MS in Communication’s Online Leadership Program (formerly known as the Hybrid Leadership Program)—and liked the idea of completing the majority of coursework online while still having occasional face-to-face interaction. As a full-time employee and mother, the program’s one-year timeline also appealed to her.

“This degree was something I needed,” says Libal. “It was the tool I wanted in my toolbox no matter where I landed professionally or personally. Communication was a challenge I needed to overcome, but the program went so far beyond that.”

She says the variety of background in her cohort added another dimension to the experience as she learned alongside medical, business, and marketing professionals. “In addition to helping me establish communication strategies, it also gave me a network that was just as valuable as what I was learning in the classroom,” she says.

A few months after she graduated, Libal retired from the Milwaukee Police Department. Newly equipped with her MS in Communication, she felt confident in her communication abilities—and ready to take on whatever opportunity came her way, whether it was continuing in law enforcement with another agency, teaching, or entering the private sector.

“Northwestern does a great job of cultivating collaboration,” says Libal. “Communication lines were always there. They fostered that spirit of teamwork, even though we were in different time zones and facing other challenges outside the program. I wouldn’t have been as successful if it wasn’t for the way the program was structured—and the staff was there to support us through all of that.”

This June, Libal started down a new path: She joined Milwaukee County’s Office of Emergency Management as deputy director. The organization’s motto is to help people in extraordinary times. In this role, she drives and oversees large-scale change to ensure personal safety for community members.

“The skills I learned at Northwestern have already been very relevant during this time as we all enter our new normal,” she explains. “Business aside, how we conduct ourselves in every arena is going to be impacted by how we communicate. No matter what your profession is, the information you learn here is universal.”

Improving Communication Skills to Better Serve the State of Illinois

Marcus King ’19 has always been a leader—it just came naturally, even as a student.

Before he graduated from Southern Illinois University in 2011 with a journalism/integrated marketing communications degree, he was elected by 18,000+ of his peers to serve as the undergraduate student body president. In this role, he was responsible for representing student views in monthly meetings with the university chancellor.

Recognizing King’s strong performance in leadership and campus involvement, a professor encouraged him to pursue a Dunn Fellowship after graduation: a year-long governmental honors fellowship program that identifies young professionals who have the skills needed for executive-level positions within the Illinois Governor’s Office. Selected from a pool of more than 5,000 students, King had the opportunity to work in the press office to assist the press secretary with releases and media interaction.

With that experience under his belt, he was soon tapped for a new government role: chief of constituent affairs for the State of Illinois, where he was entrusted with significant authority over staff, served as a media spokesperson and handled media inquiries for the Illinois Department of Corrections, and organized and executed Summit of Hope (the No. 1 U.S. re-entry program for ex-offenders).

He had already gained impressive experience in just a few years, climbing the ladder quickly. (Maybe a little bit too quickly, he admits.) With so much of his career left in front of him, King wanted to do more to improve his skills—and realized that a graduate degree might be the answer.

“What sold me on the MS in Communication program was when I went to the open house and got to sit through a class taught by Michelle Shumate,” he says. “There was something about her. I was very impressed.”

Given the demands of his job, King couldn’t imagine being in class on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday night. But he also didn’t want to give up his Saturdays for classes. Once he realized he could complete the graduate program in one year, he decided the Saturday sacrifice was worth it.

Only a month after he began the MS in Communication program, King’s career took another step forward. In December 2018, he was offered another senior-level position. He now serves as the State of Illinois’ senior advisor for civic engagement.

“If you’re in any type of leadership or communications position, then this program is for you,” he says. “There’s nothing you can think of that the program doesn’t touch on.”

He says his professors presented information in a way that made him curious about communication; he could relate the curriculum to everything he dealt with at work (and in his personal life, too), which only made him want to learn more.

The lessons were so valuable, in fact, that he saved his class notes—and he’s glad he did. “I was able to reference them later—I still do—and they’re like gold,” he says. “I didn’t always make the connection at the time with some of the things being taught, but I wrote them down. When I started to step away, I was able to start connecting these ideologies and philosophies to advance my career and professional relationships.”

As he works on a personal video project—set for release this fall—he spoke with a Kentucky state representative about ethics and virtue. His ability to talk about those topics in-depth with the legislator is owed to Randy Iden, King says.

“Some of his concepts were so new to me that I became fascinated with them. That’s what this program does. The professors put you on different roads you never would have traveled. Once you start traveling those roads, you get to destinations you never would have thought about on your own.”

The Transformative Nature of the Program

Listen as MSC professor Randy Iden talks about what to expect as a student in the MSC program.

Check Out These Other Great Webinars

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Discussion of curriculum, faculty, co-curricular activities, career services, alumni, and admissions processes. Check Out These Other Great Webinars See Upcoming

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Earn Your MS in Communication From Northwestern

Take the next step in your career. Earn your Masters to open new doors.

MSC Curriculum

Learn about the Themes, Outcomes, and Dispositions connected to the MSC curriculum.

Check Out These Other Great Webinars

General Info Session

Discussion of curriculum, faculty, co-curricular activities, career services, alumni, and admissions processes. Check Out These Other Great Webinars See Upcoming

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Earn Your MS in Communication From Northwestern

Take the next step in your career. Earn your Masters to open new doors.