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The Spring Quarter Slide (With Apologies to the Trees)

The trees

It happens every year. My favorite group of trees on the lakefront come alive with beautiful, delicate, fragrant blossoms in spite of the winter weather they endure. Half of them white, half of them pink, their branches positively exploding with flowers. I make a point of walking through them every day this time of year, a seasonal ritual that makes me very happy.

These beautiful blossoming branches often remind me of things—new life, nature’s amazing wonder and beauty, or my own springtime wedding. This year I also see my MSC experience in the branches. Me, emerging from a winter of challenging course work and professional self-scrutiny, feeling the sun shine again, ready to bloom.

Just when the white blossoms peak, the pink blooms emerge, and eventually they both give way to full green leaves. So too, the MSC experiences seem to flow as one event triggers the next. Winter quarter fades into spring, the orchestrated chaos of studying ensues, and now I’m thinking about graduation announcements. With apologies to the trees, having watched them year after year, they remind me of how far I’ve come.

Spring quarter didn’t start out this way. It got off to a bumpy start for me, and I’m not sure why. Spring break, unlike the winter break that preceded it full of holidays and obligations, was a real rest. My husband and I briefly escaped the cold weather to a warmer place where I completely unplugged. Then I kept the flame alive reading books recommended in the Globalization class. Winter quarter was quite challenging, but I felt proud of my work as I reflected upon it in the rearview mirror.

Back in class, though, it became clear how much each quarter has its own personality. New classes and new professors bring new types of learning experiences, and it was disruptive for me. In both classes I’m responsible for weekly assignments in addition to midterms and finals, which distributes the load differently but is more consistently tiring. And in a way, starting Q3 made me feel like we were already done; adjusting to the changes felt futile.

By Week 4, thankfully, I had a routine down and felt more like myself. It’s a short-lived platitude, since the number of Saturdays left in this particular session is rapidly dwindling. But, I’m learning valuable nuggets in my classes. I look forward to my weekly assignments. And it feels good to be finding a stride, even if it’s inevitably short lived.

See, exploding with flowers!

Maybe it’s all the pollen, but I really admire those white and pink trees. This year, they also cause me to realize I am feeling really good about what I’ve accomplished and about what lies ahead. The purpose of the pain is becoming clear. Winter is a memory and lo, there is life within the earth again. Like the blooming branches, I have something valuable to contribute, and I’m feeling optimistic that I will get my turn.

International Roundtable Discussion

Lu Bai, MSC ’12, led an International Roundtable Discussion on Saturday, May 2. This session was designed exclusively for international students by a former international student to provide advice for navigating university resources and developing a post-graduation OPT/employment strategy. This was a great opportunity for current students to receive insight from an experienced alumna who has gone through MSC and successfully leveraged her degree to advance professionally!


Understanding and Leveraging Networks

For the Spring Term, our morning class is “Understanding and Leveraging Networks”, taught by Noshir Contractor (known as Nosh). Before the term began, I wasn’t thrilled about this class. Networking events are boring to me and I dislike individuals who try to connect for their own personal benefit.

Thankfully, the assumption I made about the class was entirely wrong. “Understanding and Leveraging Networks” is not about networking; rather, it’s about the study of networks. This distinction is critically important. Each of us has a network, whether it is a personal network made up of family and friends or a professional network comprised of colleagues. The guys you play pick up basketball with; they’re in your network too. This class is a study of those network connections and the different roles people play in those networks.

Our first paper is rather interesting too. We are tasked with analyzing our own personal Board of Directors. Just as an organization has a Board of Directors that provides resources and guides in strategic decision-making, each of us has a group of people we heed advice from during important, life-changing events.

Nosh then tasked us with analyzing our personal Board of Directors for potential gaps. For instance, are there a lot of personal connections, but not enough professional connections in your network? If you only talk to your mother and father about a career change, that’s true for you. Perhaps there are a lot of peers in your network and it’s lacking that mentor/mentee relationship. For myself, that last statement is true. I have too many individuals in the same stage of life as me and need greater thought diversity.

How about your Board of Directors? Who are the people you call when you’re falling in love, making a career change or whether or not you should enroll in this program?

Creating a Portfolio Website That Makes Me More Marketable as a Sports Business Writer

Building a portfolio website is a powerful and effective communication tool that enables me to market my work online. Mass media communication, such as Internet and blogs, is an ideal way to display my overall talents, share my “sports business journalism” content and profound passion with the others, and enhance social and professional networks. Since sports remains a big multi-billion dollar global industry, I attempt to progress and ameliorate multiple business communication skills in order to become a talented sports business writer in the near future.

The basic goal of establishing a portfolio website is to make myself more marketable as a sports business writer. Since I relish writing sports business stories, I am eager to establish a portfolio website that enables me to promote sports business stories to the general audience. I make certain that my website is visible and conveniently accessible for the audience. Showcasing my overall talent to an employer is definitely a high priority, but I also want my portfolio website to be more interesting and relevant, and enable the audience to know about me personally and professionally.

Feel free to check my website!

The Aftermath

The remains of a productive group work session at the library

Prospective MSC students often ask about workload in the program. “How do you deal with it?” “Do you have time to do anything?

The answer is: you just deal, even if you can’t really articulate how it all gets done. I like this shot of the aftermath of an evening group work session in the library. The artifacts of the room and our time there create a sort of tableau of modern student life. A fleeting moment captured and preserved. The objects seem mundane, but they are also surprisingly evocative of a unique combination of time, place, and energy that will never be repeated.

The main library has changed so much since I was an undergrad here. We reserved a collaboration space in the main floor computer lab and utilized the computer, projector, whiteboards, and markers provided to work on our project. The cafe down the hall was a source of refreshments and snacks. And all around us were more students working in their computer cubbies. The whole place is brighter and more alive.

We were studious and cool and oh so productive. And we wrapped up by 10pm.

The Ice Rink is OPEN!

I recently read an article in The Daily Northwestern indicating the general student consensus on Winter Quarter is that it is something to “get through.” The author of the article had additional thoughts, and I concur. It’s so easy and predictable to love warm, sunny weather. But in Chicago, we usually just grow a winter backbone and embrace it.

Among the delights of Winter Quarter? Northwestern’s own ice skating rink, located at the back of Norris Student Center and facing the lake. You can even rent skates! Sometimes this school really thinks of everything. If you can find the Outdoor office in the basement of Norris, flash your NU Wildcard and get two hours of skate rental for just $3. I overheard “they don’t zamboni it very often” and the ice can get rough. But for me, enjoying this little perk of student life was a thrill on an otherwise unremarkable Thursday.

Northwestern offers many resources that may surprise you. I was discussing this topic at lunch last week. Did you know you can rent an iPad from the library? For one week? My classmate did after her computer died and she was putting together the funds for a replacement. She was very surprised but very glad to find this resource.

Most MSC students complete the program in one year, and we won’t get another shot at Winter Quarter. I’ll admit, during last week’s extra windy frigid temps, my winter backbone caved and I was glad to get a ride to class. But most weeks, if you’re interested in enriching your student experience with University resources outside of the MSC program, there’s plenty to appreciate. And there’s no better time than the present.

2015 Alumni Panel | Leveraging Your MSC Degree

On February 7, 2015 a panel of MSC alumni spoke to current students during a lunchtime presentation about how to best leverage the MSC degree. Panelists included: Penelope Johnson, MSC 2013 (moderator);  (L-R at table) Toby Cortelyou, MSC 2012; Aspasia Apostokis Miller, MSC 1994; Mary Kelley, MSC 2011; Jason S. Kenne, MSC 2012; and Brandon Oelling, MSC 2014.

The panel addressed questions about internal and external career changes, positioning the MSC degree against other professional Master’s degrees, interviewing, and networking. Panelists also gave current students advice: “Take the time, right now, to begin to clarify and understand the program as part of your unique story or journey; it’s then you’ll be able to truly leverage all it has to offer.

On behalf of the MSC program, we extend our most sincere thanks to our alumni for your continued involvement and willingness to share your passion and inspiration.

Globalization–Inside and Outside the Classroom

In the MSC program, we often confirm for prospective students that classroom learnings are immediately applicable to life outside of school. I experienced a good example of this school-life connection earlier this week when I attended the announcement event for the Roberta Buffet Institute for Global Studies—a new center founded by a historic gift to the university from alumna Roberta Buffett Elliot (’54). Topics discussed at the event honoring this gift dovetailed perfectly with this quarter’s globalization course.

I was thrilled to be able to attend the announcement of the new Institute. Seeing Roberta and her sibling Warren Buffett in the audience was a definite draw, although neither spoke during the program. It was also exciting to be back in Pick-Staiger Concert Hall after so many years, rubbing elbows with other students in the audience as we all watched a historic announcement unfold.

Most interesting, though, were comments made by panelists regarding global issues, many of which echoed themes I’m learning in class:

  • What defines religion in one place may be very different from what defines religion in another place. These differences will have a profound impact on respective definitions of religious freedom.
  • There is currently no legal body or policy that adequately addresses the unique cultural, historical, and political needs of all citizens throughout the world.
  • Global health issues are not defined solely by medical facts. Local economies and social structures greatly impact public health, as well.
  • Trends of economic prosperity can coincide with increased religious tolerance. (Wow!)

What tied all the comments together—and again harkened back to my classroom studies—was the need to be able to see any issue from multiple perspectives. Can you put yourself in someone else’s shoes? An appreciation for multiple perspectives is critical to understanding the complexities of global issues.

Panelist and Professor Saul Morson eloquently spoke to this point when he explained the relevance of classic Russian literature to this topic. “What better way,” said Professor Morson, to develop an appreciation for the complexities of global issues than through the study of great literature, which allows the reader to “actually experience a different perspective.” That is, beyond just the study of facts, literature puts you into the shoes of a character and teaches you to appreciate another’s point of view. Frankly, his comments not only resonated from a globalization perspective, but they also validated my own choice to pursue liberal arts education at NU as an undergraduate. It’s easy to see why he teaches the most popular, “must-take” class on campus.

Globalization is a complex issue, as well as an ever-present one. As developing masters in communication, we need to be able to effectively participate in the conversation in a way that is sensitive and respectful to our audience. This week’s experience offered reinforcement that, through my training and experiences at Northwestern, I’m becoming better able to have that conversation. And I’m certain my life outside this institution will give me plenty of opportunities to do so.

I Don’t Want to Go

1/9/15 7:45pm

It’s the eve of Q2. In a way, school already started; I began reading for both courses about one week ago. But tomorrow is the big day when I go back to class after which there are “no tuition refunds,” and I can’t shake the feeling: a part of me doesn’t want to go.

I think I wish I felt more ready. Ready to redefine who I am professionally. Ready to articulate my work experience in meaningful and influential ways. Ready to talk about my interests and appropriate opportunities. Ready to sacrifice my free time again to be a student (it turns out I can full up my Saturdays pretty easily with other activities). These were all things I was going to figure out over break. To some extent, I did. But in many other ways, I’m still noodling.

I wish I had the benefit of a crystal ball. Something to reassure me, “Everything will be okay, Erika.” It’s hard to exist in the in-between. I’m fairly certain where I’ve been is not where I want to continue to go, but if not there, then what? Strangers, acquaintances, friends, and family want to know: What are you going to do with this?

Investing in a Master’s degree from Northwestern is no doubt a smart investment, one my wiser self believes is worthwhile. It’s no free pass to a job, though. I woke up one morning racked with worry about impending student loan payments and no better ability to pay them than I have now. Yikes.

The bottom line is, for me, this has to work, and it is up to me to make it happen. The MSC program gives me access to an advantaged network, innumerable resources, and challenging and relevant academic study. But I also have to do the work to articulate and develop my desired career path, and then I need to actively pursue it. That process will happen over time. In the meantime, and at certain times, I’m in the in-between. I need to give myself the permission to be there without losing the urgency that goes along with being in an intensive program.

For any given day where I worry, there is another where I feel lifted up. Although fall quarter already seems a long time ago, I remember feeling invigorated on class Saturdays. I’m quite sure the same effect will happen again tomorrow. And my gut tells me everything is going to be okay.